In less than 90 seconds, depleted inventories Xiaomi smartphone Mi3

Announced in September this year, the smartphone Mi3 had a grand launch in China this week . The success of the machine was such that it took only 90 seconds for the manufacturer had fully exhausted their stocks - witnessed the same situation with his MiTV 3D Smart TV , which hit stores on the same day .
In an official statement , the company said that 100,000 units of its new handset were sold in just 1 minute and 26 seconds. In comparison , it took 1 minute and 58 seconds for the company exhausted the 3000 MiTV 3D units that had been made ​​available .
Reports indicate that many of these sales were not made ​​to consumers interested in gadgets , but the people interested in reselling them for higher prices. The Xiaomi Mi3 comes equipped with a 5-inch screen with full HD resolution , Tegra 4:02 GB of RAM , WCDMA and CDMA versions having adapted to Chinese networks .
Available in models with 16 GB or 64 GB of internal memory , the device costs $ 327 and $ 410 , respectively. The product is officially sold both by the operator and by China Unicom China Telecom , the latter the largest operator acting in the eastern country .

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